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Truro City Mayor Making Ceremony Steven Webb 2021/2022

These photographs are from the 1st Mayor-making ceremony in Truro Cathedral, held in 2021, when I became the Mayor of Truro for the first time. As you can see, the event was very formal. My haircut hadn’t been touched due to Covid-19 restrictions, and I was wearing a waistcoat for the first time in many years. In the rush to buy it in the days leading up to the ceremony, I had to get my sister to adjust it.

It was a remarkable day when everyone voted unanimously to make me Mayor of Truro. My main proposer, Rob Nolan, delivered a wonderful speech, and I hope I made Truro and the rest of my fellow councillors proud. I was sworn in alongside my deputy mayor, Councillor Karlene Stokes. In the photos, you can also see Councillor Biscoe, the outgoing mayor; Roger Gazzard, the town clerk; and Kember Webb, my daughter, who served as my Mayoress for the year.

I don’t think I’ve ever been as nervous as I was that evening. Social distancing measures were in place to a degree, and although we took photos afterward, they were cleverly done to maintain a distancing perspective. I would like to extend my thanks to PR4Photos for their skilful work on the photos.

Photos of Steven Webb mayor making ceremony by PR4Photos

A link to YouTube and my acceptance speech Steven Webb acceptance speech

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Steven Webb

Steven Webb is a renowned meditation teacher with over a decade of experience. Known for his unique approach to quieting the busy mind, Steven navigated through a life of adversity to find his own inner peace. Now, he shares his wisdom to help others build resilience and find tranquility even in life's most turbulent times. Through his writing, courses, and podcast "Stillness in the Storms," Steven empowers people to discover their own sanctuary of inner peace when they need it the most.
© 2023 Steven Webb -

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