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101 Ways to Cope with Stress – Rated by Efficiency and Difficulty

With the world the way it is today there seems to be more stress than ever before. Luckily, a psychology teacher has come to the aid of the students by giving them a list of 101 ways to cope with stress.

Brilliant, so let’s rate them with difficulty and efficiency. Let’s see which ones give you the greatest return depending on the effort involved.

How did I work out the most efficient ways out of the teacher’s list of 101 ways to cope with stress?

Difficulty – I rated the difficulty based on being able to do it in the current moment. If it is really easy to do it would be rated higher with a maximum score of 100.

Effectiveness – is based on how much it would help reduce stress at that moment. The more instant and more effective it is the higher the score with a maximum of 100.

Overall – I then come to the conclusion based on adding the difficulty and effectiveness together and dividing by 2.

It is very unscientific, purely opinion-based and on my own experiences of helping clients That suffer from panic attacks, anxiety and PTSD. Although there are a few things on the list that I had to guess, most are calculated with some element of the experience.

It is important to remember that stress is not a problem. It is not your enemy. Coping with stress does not mean pushing it away, and getting rid of it and living a life of no stress or fear. Learning to cope with stress, and learning to destress is more about learning to become friends with your body and the mechanism that we call the fight, flight, and freeze. It has evolved to keep us alive, and it does a very efficient job. You don’t want to remove this mechanism.

When you recognise that stress is actually your friend, just like a friend protecting you it is giving you the information you need in order to do or prepare for something that may happen. Unfortunately, we have over-exaggerated the threat we are under nowadays. The anxiety and stress we might have with the kids screaming, or a job interview is not what the system was designed to react in such a severe way every time.

So if we recognise when we feel anxious, stressed, and that panic attack feeling arising we can well commit like an old wise friend. Someone that loves us deeply, doesn’t want to see us get into any harm and is pointing out what might happen.

Then we can use our skilful wisdom to respond rather than panic.

Here is a TED talk that explains this way better than I can. How to make stress your friend

This list is simply a starting point, and the rating is a little bit of fun. I did a Facebook live on it which you can see at the bottom of the page. And although most of these will help you to feel better in those stressful moments, it is always best to work on the deeper causes and become friends with this wonderful mechanism that you’ve been gifted with.

101 ways to cope with stress rated with difficulty and effectiveness.

2Practice breathing slowly899793
3Be responsible for your feelings8510092.5
4Read a story curled up in bed908788.5
5Do it today809587.5
6Take time to smell the flowers858987
7Look up at the stars957886.5
8Take a bubble bath809085
9Strand up and stretch858585
10Ask a friend for a hug759183
11Unclutter your life709582.5
12Read a poem907582.5
13Be prepared for rain857580
14Schedule play time into everyday709080
15Watch a move and eat popcorn808080
16Recognize the importance of unconditional love609678
17Say something nice to someone757977
18Say “hello” to a stranger856977
19Listen to a symphony708376.5
20Visualize yourself winning609276
21on’t know all the answers609175.5
22Do a brand new thing757575
23Put air freshener in your car856575
24Learn to meet your own needs509974.5
25Break large tasks into bite-size portions509673
26Take a different route to work608572.5
27Dance a jig608371.5
28Go on a picnic509271
29Learn to whistle a tune657670.5
30void tight-fitting clothes707070
31Set appointments ahead608070
32Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day509070
33Buy yourself a flower756570
34Learn a new doodle756570
35Clean out one closet608070
36Remember you always have options558570
37Look for a silver lining508969.5
38Pet a friendly dog/cat508869
39Get enough sleep409869
40Quit trying to fix other people429468
41Always make copies of important papers607567.5
42Walk in the rain508567.5
43Be aware of the decisions you make508567.5
44Write a note to a faraway friend607567.5
45Hum a jingle587566.5
46Have goals for yourself409266
47Watch a ballet607065
48Remember that stress is an attitude409065
49Work at being cheerful and optimistic408864
50Don’t rely on your memory… write it down359263.5
51Strive for excellence NOT perfection359263.5
52Find support from others359163
53Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight507663
54Do everything in moderation309562.5
55Plant a tree408562.5
56Freely praise other people606562.5
57Stop saying negative things to yourself259861.5
58Keep a journal259861.5
59Believe in yourself259761
60Put safety first507060
61Stretch your limits a little each day358560
62Memorize a joke606060
63Talk less and listen more308959.5
64Exercise every day259359
65Set priorities in your life308758.5
66Always have a plan “B”209658
67Leave work early (with permission)308658
68Have a support network of people, places and things209658
69Prepare for the morning the night before308557.5
70Look at problems as challenges259057.5
71Look at a work of art457057.5
72Ask someone to be your “vent-partner”456856.5
73Become a better listener159856.5
74Get to work early258856.5
75Anticipate your needs209256
76Stop a bad habit159655.5
77Look at challenges differently506055
78Teach a kid to fly a kite258555
79Feed the birds605055
80Practice preventative maintenance258052.5
81Tickle a baby208552.5
82Practice grace under pressure159052.5
83Ask for help with the jobs you dislike109452
84Say “no” more often109251
85Play patty cake with a toddler307251
86Get up 15 minutes earlier505050
87Repair anything that doesn’t work properly208050
88Develop your sense of humor505050
89Pay attention to your appearance505050
90Maintain your weight109050
91Know our own limitations and let others know them, too505050
92Learn the words to a new song505050
93Practice a monster smile158550
94Use time wisely207547.5
95Throw a paper airplane504547.5
96Simplify meal times108246
97Make duplicate keys504045
98Avoid relying on chemical aids305040
99Go to a ball game and scream254032.5
100Avoid negative people104527.5
101Tell someone to have a good day in pig Latin101010

Here’s a good article about dealing with your live during really tough times. Although it does not deal with coping with stress it does have a different take on times in your life when the stress is mixed.

My Facebook life going through the 101 ways to cope with stress
Twitter Post - 101 Ways to Cope with Stress
Twitter Post – 101 Ways to Cope with Stress
If this helped you, it will help somebody else!

You've just read an article by Steven Webb —  Guiding you through the most difficult times. Here is a link to my podcast Stillness in the Storms and Inner Peace Meditations.

I write to arm you with resilience and inner wisdom, helping you find calm in life’s chaos. Follow me Medium or on substack.

Steven Webb host of Stillness in the Storms portrait picture

Steven Webb

Steven Webb is a renowned meditation teacher with over a decade of experience. Known for his unique approach to quieting the busy mind, Steven navigated through a life of adversity to find his own inner peace. Now, he shares his wisdom to help others build resilience and find tranquility even in life's most turbulent times. Through his writing, courses, and podcast "Stillness in the Storms," Steven empowers people to discover their own sanctuary of inner peace when they need it the most.
© 2023 Steven Webb -

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