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5 Ways Being Near the Ocean Can Heal Us

For many of us, the ocean is a place we turn to for healing, peacefulness, and clarity. The tides attract us and beckon us to sit by the shore, to plan vacations around sailing, diving, and sunbathing, and to breathe in the mineral air that soothes us. Taking in the sunshine and watching the waves crash against the shore feeds our senses and creative lives, enhancing mindfulness.

We may not realize there are benefits beyond absorbing vitamin D or feeling buoyant in the water. The ocean can heal us by providing a place where our minds, bodies, and spirits can take a timeout from the world’s digital or sensory overload from urban environments.

The following are five ways being near the ocean can heal us:

The Color Blue

Blue is a colour associated with calm, depth, and peacefulness. When we are near water, we experience blue as an aquatic colour that triggers feelings of satisfaction and happiness beyond playing in the water or listening to the waves. Being near the ocean can heal us by stirring within us waves of creativity and fresh perspectives.

It is Not Stagnant

Just like the waves lap at the shore and retreat, the ocean can heal us by allowing us to become fluid like the tides and let waves of negative emotions and stress go out to sea, freeing our minds and spirits while emptying ourselves from obstructive thoughts that are holding us back from productive lives.

It is Harmonious

Just as the ocean supports and encourages various species to coexist, the ocean can heal us by teaching us how to thrive in diversity and face challenges by remembering life is change. By embracing this reality, we can use the ocean as a template for cultivating harmony within us that will overflow into our daily lives and relationships.

It Can Give Our Minds a Rest

Being near the ocean can heal us by giving our minds a break from overstimulation. Although there are sounds like waves crashing on the beach, our brains can engage in mild attentiveness. This state induces mindfulness since we are aware of our surroundings yet we receive a break from cognitive overload.

It Can Have a Ripple Effect

The ocean can heal us by causing a ripple effect in our lives. Since the ocean is always moving, we realize that we are more than one drop in a vast expanse. The ocean is comprised of many water droplets that together create a sea. A small ripple in a pool of water can extend outward, effecting change on the water’s surface just like our lives can exude positivity and a unique purpose, creating a lasting legacy within our world from micro to macro perspective.

As we absorb the peacefulness and freedom the ocean provides to heal us, we can move freely throughout the remainder of our day, connecting with other people in a state of “we” instead of “they,” and reaping the rewards of relaxation, mindfulness, and a more purpose-driven life.

The next time you are seaside, breathe in the mineral air and appreciate its healing properties. The ocean can heal us by letting us pay attention to the movement of the waves and how they touch the shore only to pull away and then return. Notice the flight of the seagulls and how they receive sustenance from the ocean. Observe the small creatures you find in tide pools and see how they coexist with different species. Let your mind wander as you take in the awe of a distant horizon, connecting you to the universe, and just be. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you.

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Steven Webb

Steven Webb is a renowned meditation teacher with over a decade of experience. Known for his unique approach to quieting the busy mind, Steven navigated through a life of adversity to find his own inner peace. Now, he shares his wisdom to help others build resilience and find tranquility even in life's most turbulent times. Through his writing, courses, and podcast "Stillness in the Storms," Steven empowers people to discover their own sanctuary of inner peace when they need it the most.
© 2023 Steven Webb -

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